研究業績(原著と症例報告のみ) 2010年

1.Efficacy and Safety of Ezetimibe for Japanese patients with Dyslipidaemia.
Sawayama Y, Maeda S, Ohnishi H, Hayashi S, Hayashi J.
Clinical Drug Investigation. 2010; 30: 157-166.
2.Prevalence and risk factors for diabetes: A ten year follow-up study of the Yaeyama district of Okinawa.
Okada K, Furusyo N, Sawayama Y, Kanamoto Y, Murata M, Hayashi J.
Fukuoka Acta Med. 2010; 101: 215-224.
3.Pegylated interferon α-2b plus ribavirin for older patients with chronic hepatitis C.
Kainuma M, Furusyo N, Kajiwara E, Takahashi K, Nomura H, Tanabe Y, Satoh T, Maruyama T, Nakamuta M, Kotoh K, Azuma K, Shimono J, Shimoda S, Hayashi J.
World Journal of Gastroenterology. 2010; 16: 4400-4409.
4.Excellent superiority and specificity of COBAS TaqMan HCV assay in an early viral kinetic change during pegylated interferon alpha-2b plus ribavirin treatment.
Ogawa E, Furusyo N, Toyoda K, Taniai H, Otaguro S, Kainuma M, Murata M, Sawayama Y, Hayashi J.
BMC Gastroenterology. 2010; 10: 1471-230X.
5.Risk factors for and the prevalence of peripheral arterial disease and its relationship to carotid atherosclerosis: the Kyushu and Okinawa Population Study (KOPS).
Ohnishi H, Sawayama Y, Furusyo N, Maeda S, Tokunaga S, Hayashi J.
Journal of Atherisclerosis and Thrombosis. 2010; 17: 751-758.
6.Development of 2-hour suicide intervention program among medical residents: First pilot trial.
Kato T, Suzuki Y, Sato R, Fujisawa D, Uehara K, Hashimoto N, Sawayama Y, Hayashi J, Kanba S, Otsuka K.
Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2010; 64: 531-540.
7.Are lifetime prevalence of impetigo, molluscum and herpes infection really increased in children having atopic dermatitis?
Hayashida S, Furusho N, Uchi H, Miyazaki S, Eiraku K, Gondo C, Tsuji G, Hachisuka J, Fukagawa S, Kido M, Nakahara T, Moroi Y, Hayashi J, Hagihara A, Furue M.
Journal of Dermatological Science. 2010; 60: 173-178.
8.Comparison of the effects of keishibukuryogan and atorvastatin on ballon injury-induced intimal thickening in rat carotid artery.
Morimoto Y, Shibata Y, Ochiai S, Ogino F, Kainuma M, Mitsuma T.
J Trad Med. 2010; 27: 30-38.
居原 毅、古庄憲浩、大田黒滋、豊田一弘、小川栄一、谷合啓明、貝沼茂三郎、澤山泰典、林 純
臨牀と研究 2010; 87: 105-108.
