研究業績(原著と症例報告のみ) 2016年

Serum WFA+-M2BP is a non-invasive liver fibrosis marker that can predict the efficacy of direct acting antiviral-based triple therapy for chronic hepatitis C. Ura K, Furusyo N, Ogawa E, Hayashi T, Mukae H, Shimizu M, Toyoda K, Murata M, Hayashi J. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 43:114-124, 2016
IL28B rs8099917 genotype and female sex contribute to the spontaneous clearance of hepatitis C:A Japanese cross-sectional study Ikezaki H, Furusyo N, Hiramine S, Ura K, Mistumoto-Kaseida F, Takayama K, Shimizu M, Toyoda K, Ogawa E, Kainuma M, Murata M, Hayashi J. Arch Virol 161:641-648;2016.
Efficacy of interferon-beta plus ribavirin combination treatment on the development of hepatocellular carcinoma by Japanese patients with chronic hepatitis C Ikezaki H, Nomura H, Furusyo N, Ogawa E, Kajiwara E, Takahashi K, Kawano A, Maruyama T, Tanabe Y, Satoh T, Nakamuta M, Kotoh K, Azuma K, Dohmen K, Shimoda S, Hayashi J; Kyushu University Liver Disease Study (KULDS) Group. Hepatol Res 46:E174-80, 2016.
Ethnic Differences in Glucose Homeostasis Markers between the Kyushu-Okinawa Population Study and the Framingham Offspring Study Ikezaki H, Ai M, Schaefer EJ, Otokozawa S, Asztalos BF, Nakajima K, Yanhua Z, Liu CT, Jacques PF, Cupples LA, Furusyo N. Scientific Reports 6:36725;2016
Impact of HCV kinetics on treatment outcome differs by the type of real-time HCV assay in NS3/4A protease inhibitor-based triple therapy. Ogawa E, Furusyo N, Murata M, Hayashi T, Shimizu M, Mukae H, Toyoda K, Hotta T, Uchiumi T, Hayashi J. Antiviral Res 126:35-42, 2016.
Effectiveness and safety of sofosbuvir plus ribavirin for HCV genotype 2 patients 65 and over with or without cirrhosis. Ogawa E, Furusyo N, Nomura H, Takahashi K, Higashi N, Kawano A, Dohmen K, Satoh T, Azuma K, Nakamuta M, Koyanagi T, Kato M, Shimoda S, Kajiwara E, Hayashi J. Antiviral Res 136:37-44, 2016.
Influence of insulin resistance on the development of hepatocellular carcinoma after antiviral treatment for non-cirrhotic patients with chronic hepatitis C. Hayashi T, Ogawa E, Furusyo N, Murata M, Hayashi J. Infect Agent Cancer 11:9, 2016.
Heart Rate Variability as a Predictor of the Outcome of Treatment with Kampo Medicines that Include Bupleuri Radix(Saiko). Murakami A, Kubota T, Kobayashi D, Sumoto Y, Furusyo N, Ando S, Kainuma M, Shimazoe T. Res Rev Pharm Pharm Sci 5:1-8, 2016.
Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) of the association of the Japanese Kampo concept “Suidoku” (fluid disturbance) and the body composition of women. Murakami A, Kobayashi D, Kubota T, Zukeyama N, Mukae H, Furusyo N, Kainuma M, Takao Shimazoe. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 16:405, 2016.
The Relation between Hepatotoxicity and the Total Coumarin Intake from Traditional Japanese Medicines Containing Cinnamon Bark Iwata N, Kainuma M, Kobayashi D, toshio kubota, Sugawara N, Uchida A, Ozono S, Yamanuro Y, Norihiro Furusyo, Ueda kozo, Tahara Eiichi, Takao Shimazoe. Front Pharmacol 7:174, 2016
当科で経験したAIDS関連ニューモシスチス肺炎の免疫再構築症候群の検討 浦 和也、村田昌之、山嵜 奨、武田倫子、加勢田(光本)富士子、居原 毅、林 武生、 迎 はる、志水元洋、豊田一弘、小川栄一、古庄憲浩、林 純 日本病院総合診療医学会雑誌 9:1-5, 2016
治療の実際 九州大学病院渡航外来の現状 豊田一弘、西尾壽乘、古庄憲浩、下野信行 臨牀と研究 93:1403-1408, 2016
慢性肝疾患のかゆみの現状 慢性肝疾患患者71名に対するアンケート調査から 中原真希子、蜂須賀淳一、中原剛士、古庄憲浩、下田慎治、古藤和浩、古江増隆 西本皮膚科 78(6):655-659, 2016

A case of lobar pneumonia and sepsis with death caused by invasive [i] Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis infection
Kumade E, Furusyo N, Takeshima N, Kishihara Y, Mitsumoto-Kaseida F, Etoh Y, Murata M, Hayashi J Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy 22:707-711, 2016
救急受診した過換気発作に四逆散が有効と考えられた5症例 坂本篤彦、貝沼茂三郎、木下義晃、鶴田良介、日高孝子、栗山一道 日東医誌 67:164-168, 2016
シスチン尿症を基礎に複雑性尿路感染症からAAアミロイドーシスを合併した一例 上山貴嗣、武田倫子、立石悠基、志水元洋、居原 毅、柿本聖樹、小川栄一、村田昌之、 平橋美奈子、小田義直、古庄憲浩 日本病院総合診療医学会雑誌 10:46-49, 2016
